The Growing Trend: How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Nevada

A scent of celebration was in the air across Nevada surrounding its marijuana dispensaries on July 1, 2017, and for good reason. Whiffs of the state’s newest cash crop floated by as thousands of Nevadans stood in line, waiting for dispensary doors to open and sell recreational marijuana.
Once locals stepped inside, "budtenders", as USA Today called them, legally bought sealed Ziploc bags containing everything from flowers to gummies, and small bottles of oils and tinctures.
It had finally happened, government bodies and officials became even more open-minded about legalizing medical marijuana. They joined most of the 50 states, including neighboring Arizona and California, and agreed that though cannabis was once thought of as taboo, it is now sitting right on millions of the nation’s living room tables.
Since Nevada has legalized recreational and medicinal marijuana, one thing remains the same. Clients and purchasers must obtain a Medical Marijuana Program Patient Card. There are rules and guidelines set in place.
According to these are them:
Medical marijuana patients in nevada must be at least 18 years of age (or may be a minor with a parent or legal guardian designated as his/her primary caregiver) and must be a full-time resident of Nevada to register with the division of public and behavioral health’s medical marijuana registry.
In order to register, a patient must meet with their Nevada-licensed physician after requesting and obtaining a medical marijuana registry application packet from the division.
Only an MD or a physician are able to complete a portion of the application and provide a recommendation establishing that you have a qualifying medical condition specified by law.
Qualifying chronic or debilitating conditions in Nevada: 1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2. Cancer 3. Glaucoma 4. A medical condition or treatment for a medical condition that produces, for a specific patient, one or more of the following: (a) Cachexia (b) persistent muscle spasms, including, without limitation, spasms caused by multiple sclerosis (c) seizures, including, without limitation, seizures caused by epilepsy (d) severe nausea (e) severe pain 5. any other medical condition or treatment for a medical condition that is: (a) classified as a chronic or debilitating medical condition by regulation of the division (b) approved as a chronic or debilitating medical condition pursuant to a petition submitted in accordance with state regulations There are two options to obtaining a card: 1. Full service provider who will process all paperwork required with the state of Nevada. 2. Choose a doctor of your choosing which will require you to handle some paperwork yourself. If you obtain copies of your medical records to bring with you to your doctor's appointment, it helps demonstrate a history of a chronic or debilitating condition and/or an established need for cannabis as medicine.
Initial requests for an application to the Medical Marijuana Program Patient Card must include a $25 check to the Nevada State Health Division. The written request is completed by filling out the form, which you can find here.
In a nutshell these are the steps:
Have a qualifying debilitating and/or chronic condition.
Apply for your medical marijuana card through the state of Nevada.
Complete the medical marijuana application.
Find a doctor or physician.
Send application to the Division of Health.
Obtain your medical marijuana card, and have it renewed annually.
If you think that marijuana has a chance to improve your quality of life, you should be able to access it. The positive outcomings of legalized marijuana are countless. In addition to its ability to effectively treat pain and many other health conditions, medical marijuana has also been proven to lower the number of opioid prescriptions and opioid-related deaths. Statistically, the states that have legalized medical marijuana, suffer from fewer incidents of opioid-related deaths. Another anticipated benefit of legalizing cannabis is that the profits to organized crime from the marijuana drug trade will be cut off and replaced with legitimate business and government profits.
The steps to obtaining your card are simple and easy. This natural route is physically and mentally better for you than any other pharmaceutical prescription on the market. Marijuana is a plant derived from nature. Most brands that grow buds, make gummies, or other products do so without chemicals, pesticides, or other sprays. Now that you know the safest way to legally buy marijuana, make the choice and get your card. Kiss your pain and ailments goodbye. Say hello to inhaling the good life.
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