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I have confidence in me?

Recently I was asked two questions that were quite challenging to answer. Are you good at what you do? What could you be better at? As a pseudo-serious writer it was very hard to answer this. Some days I think I am good at what I do; some days I hate it all...including myself as a being. Unfortunately, this last thought only seems to be getting worse. My whole life I have had horrible self-esteem. I am consistently second guessing myself and wondering where I went wrong in life.

Relationship after relationship has fallen apart for me so that I have come to the point where I am heart-breaking alone. And I am left with nothing but the fact that I am a writer. I watch television shows and real life scenarios where people are SO HAPPY and I cry because I am not. And I am left with nothing but the fact that I am a writer.

After the rant, I am answering the first question with yes. I am good at what I do. It is the qualities I own that make me, and that makes me good at what I do. I am thought provoking and controversial and think out of the box. I enjoy shock value and beating depressing times. I prevail. This makes me good at what I do. This is the only thing that fixes my self-esteem problem.

Which brings me to answer the second question, what could you be better at? I guess it would be believing in myself. Not thinking everyone is against me all the time...not fearing that not a single soul wants me around. It's an epiphany to realize these things in life. To realize yes, I am good at what I do, and there is always going to be something that I can be better at.

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